How 3 personal brands grow subs with meta ads (no lead magnets)
Many people (including me) have been turned off the idea of growing an email list because they feel they need to use lead magnets. And let’s face it, lead magnets have a bad rep as being either kinda crappy or distasteful given the styles of your typical internet marketers of 10 years ago.
But I was happy to see this wasn’t the only way to build a list if you’re a personal brand. And it can be really simple, too.
Here’s 3 examples in the wild:
1. Dan Go
Dan Go is a fitness guru turned performance coach
The creative is a tip + offer
The copy is hook to the read image + offer + CTA
He uses a simple landing page: image headline, subhead, email box + CTA
2. Adam Lane Smith
Adam is a relationship coach
Ad uses a simple video script: “Do you want {outcome}? → my newsletter covers {relevant topics} → Sign up!
His landing page uses a Typeform to collect subscribers
3. Ron Jackson
Ron is a Jazz music coach
He uses a simple ad: {question hook} → imagine {desirable end state} → I’m teaching how to {achieve this} in my newsletter → Sign up!
His landing page is on Shopify (!) with headline, subhead and email box (no button)
4. Tom Youngs
Not building up his email list but actually building up his Instagram following:
Tom is a business coach focused on creators
The CTA on his ad is to follow his Instagram, not subscribe to email
He’s said on other videos that he’s using boosted posts
Noted that his Cost Per Follow is around $1
Q. How much do subscribers cost?
From YouTube: Matt McGarry a newsletter pro suggests around $4.20 range (link)
From Reddit: People say in the $1-$5 range (link)
From my experience: Around 0.60 EUR to $2.5 on Facebook Ads
If you want to DIY:
You don’t have to use video, you can use images
Use simple ad copy: hook, offer, CTA
No complicated video scripts required, use the same framework as these folks
Use simple landing pages: headline, subhead, opt-in, image (and subscribe button)
Other Interesting finds
Here’s some other interesting stuff I found while researching this video.
Gary Vee says using ads $100 a week to become famous in 5-20 miles on performing organic posts (link)
Neil Patel, SEO guru, says personal branding is social first, particularly video (link)
Matt McGarry’s list of 30+ pre-release email CTAs for twitter (link)
Questions welcome in the comments.
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